If you are reading this blog then you know me well enough to know I am a bargain shopper. If it has clearance, or sale on it, then I am all about it. I have already almost finished buying all the accessories for the house that we have not even built yet... so now I am moving on to the building materials....yesterday while cruising through Lowes I ran into the clearance section... I saw a set of shower doors exactly like what I wanted to get for the new house...then I saw a bright yellow sticker on it that said orig $228 marked to $100, then marked down again to $50....my eyes lit up. The birds started singing and it was a great day...until I found out there was no hardware and no top and bottom rails... we went ahead and bought it and thought if the replacement parts are too expensive we will just bring it back. Well guess what? I called to get the parts and the lady asked for the address and said we will get it shipped in 5-7 days...no "Can I have your credit card number" or anything... So FREE is for me and saving $178 plus tax is really making my day!
Monday, March 31, 2008
I love me a good bargain....
Posted by
3/31/2008 09:58:00 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Poor Bear
I had to share some pics of the baby... he is NOT happy right now. He got the snip snip this past week. Only it wasn't an ordinary snip snip...as a matter of fact the vet said that in all his 18 years of practicing it is up there with the top 3 most difficult. You see, he couldn't find his nuts... (pardon the language!) They had not dropped and were way up in there and they were the size of 1/2 a peanut...So he had difficulty...$400 worth of difficulty.... geezzzzz never the less, here are some pics of the baby.
Posted by
3/27/2008 09:33:00 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Back in the Saddle again...
Well, relatively speaking... Vacation is over..BUMMER and I am back to work and back to blogging....I have so many pictures and so little space so I will put in the best of the best for a week...since I have NOTHING else to write about besides whining about having too much to do and no time to do it. So for everyones sake (all of 2 of you that read this blog!) then I will just keep my whining to myself, and whoever else calls me!
So, we just got back from Arkansas. Our annual spring break trip of taking the boys with other families to ride 4 wheelers for a couple of days. Well, if you remember correctly, last Tuesday it flooded here in the Dallas area, well, Arkansas was no exception. As a matter of fact, Eastern Arkansas is declared a disaster right now! Luckily for us we were Southwestern Arkansas and it wasn't that bad...(but bad enough for me to whine about it for the next couple of minutes though...) So, between traveling and watching it rain we lost Tuesdays day of riding. We went out to eat that night and got stuck on the other side of the swollen river and couldn't make it back to our cabin until after 2 the next afternoon. Everyone kept saying that is what memories are made of...all I could think of is if I would have not gone out to eat that night I could be over there scrapbooking my memories in total peace. But instead all my scrapbooking stuff was sitting over there by its lonesome... So another day of riding wasted as we watched the river go down :)
But we made up for it the next day! We rode all day on Thursday and most of the day on Friday. We had intended to get up and leave early but heck, we hadn't made it to the blue hole yet! So here are pics of things like the swollen river, the 2 footed oak, some water falls, a bear cave (an old mine) and finally the blue hole. It was a spectacular trip and we are going again next year. I'm booking early to get where I want this time...no fighting the river!!! Oh, I guess I should explain the bandanas. No, we are not trying to be all gansta or anything, even with the rain the roads and trails were dusty. So to prevent breathing in all of that dust, some of us (who had been before and learned from our mistakes!) wore our bandanas.
Posted by
3/26/2008 01:34:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Easter Egg Hunt
Wow, what a great day Sunday! The weather was great! A little windy, but warm enough for me to finally drag out my capris! It was great. We had our neighborhood egg hunt. What a great time... My main duty was to throw eggs and take pics. I just wanted to share a couple of them with you. There was one little one...I'll keep her sweet name for only those of us that know her.. She is an absolute doll! She takes beautiful pictures. I think that I snapped about 20 of her in them...not that I play favorites or anything :) Tyler was the Easter Bunny for most of the event and he did a great job. I don't know where he gets his volunteering spirit from...oh wait, he didn't volunteer this year, I strong armed him! Oh well, he was a trooper in that hot suit! Cary took pics of the kids on his lap and I took random shots at the event. I am really loving my zoom lens! Anyways, enjoy.
Posted by
3/16/2008 04:31:00 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
more photography blogging....
Ok, so between ISO, Aperture, shutter speed, f stops, diffusers, flash, raw, megapixels, jpg, zoom, auto zoom, manual mode, MY BRAIN IS FRIED! Oh, I forgot to throw out swivel external flash, and Gary Fongs puffer diffuser and light sphere... Oh, so much to learn... so little time in the week. This is a full time job learning how to take a dang picture! I think the main thing is just practice... going out and playing with the settings and seeing what the result is. So hopefully tomorrow that is what I am going to get to do! I'll post my results on Monday. Until then have a great weekend!
Posted by
3/14/2008 08:45:00 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Photography class
I am so excited!!! I go to my first Digital Photography class tonight! It is at the local junior college. I can't wait to come and teach Steve and Cary all about it! I am expecting miracles to happen between this class and attending North Texas Photographers meetings! Somehow though, I think more money will have to be invested and a lot more time! I don't know that I can do that with my already expensive and time consuming compulsion with scrapbooking! Time will tell which one takes over...guess you can't have one without the other though....
Posted by
3/11/2008 10:39:00 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Snow day????
The rumor is around here is we might get snow and ice tonight.... OH HAPPY DAY!!! I would love nothing more than to stay at home (shut up...I know that I have been off for two weeks...that was different, I was sick!) So lets all keep our fingers crossed that in the morning it will look like this...
Posted by
3/06/2008 02:46:00 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Ty texted me this week and reminded me that he had been in Boy Scouts for 5 years from that day...(why he remembers such information but can't remember that he has a test he needs to study for is beyond me....) Anyway, so I thouht I would post a picture from his early days, and a current one... My how he has grown! I have been going through old pictures to get ready for his Eagle Ceremony and the memories are flooding in! So I think I will share! The first pic is from a fish hatchery that he went to. This is probably 2nd or 3rd grade. Next is his first summer camp that he attended. Next is at Philmont when they went pole climbing...not to be confused with pole dancing...Next is a rocketry campout and last is his Eagle Board of Review a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for looking!
Posted by
3/05/2008 02:35:00 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Finally a new post
First off, I don't wish that crap that I had on anyone!!! But I am on the downhill slide of it and feeling much better!
How about that snow? It was really coming down last night. I was too lazy to go get my camera so I don't have any pics. But it looked so pretty this morning. Of course it is melting fast!
I do not have ANYTHING going on right now....scrapbooking is about it. I'm trying to get all of Tylers scout stuff done for his Eagle Ceremony and besides that...NOTHING...
Hopefully I will get enough energy to start the tiling of the bathroom this weekend. That will be a big accomplishment. I'll post pics. Until then, have a great week!
Posted by
3/04/2008 08:41:00 AM