Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What a great and productive 3 day weekend!

I'll start off with a rant first today...

Well, thats it, I've had it with all this weight watchers stuff and these people losing all this weight...while I, while I, won't wear a bathing suit this summer...so I got up early, went to the store and bought healty stuff to eat here all week! Yes, Tonya, so take that! You looked so dang great on Sunday that I can't let you get skinny alone!!! So here I am, eating healthy today and STARVING...I know, it will get easier, you can eat more if you eat healthy, it will be all worth it...I've heard it all! Still doesn't help me when I have an urge for Taco Bueno...but I am NOT driving through there...I'm not... lord please make the power steering go out in my car if I try to pull in there...desperate times call for desperate measures..

Next, for the happy productive stuff....

We worked all weekend with the exception of a couple, (ok, more like 6) hours this weekend, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel! Here is the bathroom and closet outside view. We have doors, and trim! That is very exciting!

Here is my light, I so wanted this light for inside the lodge, but not knowing if I am ever going to get my lodge, I went ahead and splurged and got it... it has moose and trees on it. Decorator lights...(even though it is for a freaking garage bathroom...) make me happy!

Here are the cabinets that we stained and installed, the sink and the light. I am working on a mirror and also a medicine cabinet next...give me a couple of days and I will have it stained and ready to go. The door is in, as well as the inside trim, the walls are painted, lights installed, it is almost ready for its first flush! Oh happy times!

This is bear and where he spent most of his day yesterday. I think he needed a break from Sugar and her abuse, so I took him to hang out with us all day. At first he was all happy and tail waggin cause he thought he was going to get crazy and get to run around like a wild bangee...we put an end to that though.. we fenced him in! Well, that lasted until Sugar came and visited and within like 60 seconds she had broken out of the pokey and was on the loose... Bear tried to follow suit but didn't make it under it before he was busted...

So, how was your weekend? I'm already ready for another 3 day! I think since the 4th of july is on a saturday, and my bday is on the 3rd...I'm going to beg my family into going camping!!! We need a break from all this work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your bathroom is looking great!! yay!!! You were right to get the light up when you did. The lodge may be a long way off and might as well get the use out of it now!!.

Camping?? Are you ready for that?? How about a hotel and room service,a little pampering, its your bday isn't it?? Just kidding do what makes you happy and you'll be in that swim suit by July!!