Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dying a slow death....

ok, I know some of you read about a month ago the pain that I endured when I was told (conned) by my sister about getting my eyebrows threaded... well, Ladies and Gents, I have made a follow up visit... I am convinced that the Indian ladies at Henna Salon are out to torture me... I'm sure they are not out to torture anyone else as it appears women have returned several times to have this done... I'm thinking now, twice is my LIMIT! There is only so much pain I can endure. I think I described the last visit as a round of ammunition being fired off into my eyebrows at a pace of a machine gun (if not, I should have) well, I think I got a mentally challanged Indian woman this maybe she flunked out of the threading class and they felt sorry for her and passed her anyway just to torture the white women that come in... she picked me out of the crowd and said next...I should have known... Oh wait, before I continue this story, I want to tell you that I called both my sister and Steve to get some moral support before I got there. Steve was in a meeting so I got none from him...Do you know what I got from my sister??? "Well, don't cry this time..." don't cry??? Lets put it this way, I walked out with not 1 but 2 kleenix this time... and they are just about soaked...
Anyway, on to the torture... this mentally slow woman threaded 1, yes, that is 1 hair a time... the other women they go at an incredibly fast pace (remember ping, ping, ping ping ping) this one, it was more like ping, reload the gun, ping, reload the gun, ping ping, wipe my tears, reload the gun, ping.... Her face is engrained into my time she calls me, I am going to say pass... I would rather get shot down by machine guns any day than the bbgun and reload that I had to endure today.... Don't laugh at me...go get yours done and let me know how the heck you feel!!!


Unknown said...

WHAT????WHY???? Why would you do that to yourself! Can you imagine having a Brazilian done that way OUCH!!!!!!!!!

You made me laugh and my eyes water!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lesa, OOOOOOOOOuch!!!! Well some of us have to see if it really hurt that bad or if it was us having a bad day. I guess you know now.
Your not going back "are you????"

Poor baby just ice down the brows and eat some ice cream and you will be fine tomorrow Dr.Bobbie said so.

Lesa said...

haha.. I don't know if I will go back or not... probably. The pain is already gone today. So mostly likely a month from now, I will be back in that chair.. but I assure I won't go back to slow torture lady. There is a huge difference between torture, and slllooowwww torture.. yall have a great 3 day weekend!