Saturday, December 8, 2007


Well, Saturday morning we drug our butts out early to go stand in line with about 200 other fools for the annual Fossil Friends and Family day sale. We there an hour and a half early and we thought we were crazy. Not the case. We were like the 46th group there. The first one in line got there at 4:30. By the time we got in there no decent women's watches were to be found. Not many men's watches as well. But let me tell you, there were purses out the wazoo!!! I ended up with 3....knowing that Steve was going to rant when I got home on why the heck I needed to add three more to the stack at the top of my closet...hey, when they are practically giving them away, you can't refuse. I received my first compliment on one of them the very next day! Now, don't you love it, you could spend $200 on one and not one compliment, but get one for $10 and everyone is raving about it....makes me wonder why we even spend money on the expensive stuff to start with! I'll post pics later of my great deals!

Until then, hit the sales...don't pay full price, it is much more fun bragging about saving, then bragging about full price..... :)


Hippie Hick Chick said...

I'm jealous!! I can't wait to see your goods!!

Hippie Hick Chick said...

I'm still waiting............