Monday, October 27, 2008

The weekend

Well, each night this week I have something to do...but none of these have anything to do with pictures so I will release pictures and tidbits about the weekend each day this week.... Here is the first one. This is Bev. Bev was a friend of my mom's... I say was because now she is a friend to all of us. Her and her family come to our gatherings and we consider them part of our extended family. They are always so great to be around. There is never a dull moment! I wanted to highlight Bev this morning because after an ordeal yesterday afternoon she made Steve and I feel so much better. Just her support and reconfirmation of something we already knew made us feel better. We love her to death and can't imagine our gatherings without her. (tonya...bite your lip right now young lady!!!) Bev is a country girl and has had lots of life experiences. She brings us great wisdom, and humor! We love you Bev.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Weinee Roast

Weinee roast, hot dog roast, bonfire, party...whatever you call it. It is that time again! The hot dogs have been bought, the chili is being prepared (by me cause you know I won the best chili here at work thanks to Hippie chicks suggestions...) the wood is being gathered and the people will show up in droves... It is one of the largest celebrations we have of the year. I'll share some pics on Monday, or maybe I will just stretch it all week long... at any rate, whether you are going to a Halloween party or weinee roast, football game, whatever your fall tradition may be this weekend be safe!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pics of Amanda

I have been meaning to post these all week and have been a little bit busy! Amanda had her homecoming dance this past weekend and she and a friend met me in the downtown area for a couple of pics. Here they are!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mud Bogs

ok, we did something a little different this Saturday...some might call it redneck... but I would never do a redneck thing...(like holding pigs last weekend...)anywho. I remember going to mudbogs way back. I had a boyfriend (later ex-husband) that was really into 4 wheel drives. We went mudding all the time. There is no telling how many crop fields were torn up by those guys on a given weekend. (but that is just country life) But that was just small potatoes compared to when we would go to the mudbogs... there, you would see the tallest, baddest, trucks you had ever seen... Kinda like bigfoot, but a lil bit smaller! Anyway, that is what we did once or twice a month, go to the mudbogs. Well, I handed that tradition down this weekend. While I think my child had a good time while he was there (he had to leave early), I think it was his friend Shane that had the best time. From the time we pulled into the gates and he saw them pulling those bad boys in on the trailers he looked on with so much excitement. There is no doubt that he will be back and he will enter into one of the bogs. So, even if I didn't so much strike a chord with my own son, I did with the Drurys. Our two families had a great time just spending a little bit of Saturday with our sons. God will we ever miss them when they go to college! Which, by the way, was when Shelley and I informed the boys we would get to build us one of those and race every weekend...when they are gone to college!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

more on the farm....

I know, how can I take a weekend and drag it into a week. Well, because I have nothing else to talk about! Dance lessons, football games, and booster club stuff, that is all we are up to. When I was 21, I never thought that would be my life...but I digress.... Here is the LAST picture from the weekend.
I'm going to paint the scene here... It was late Sunday and I threw out the idea for us to go on a 4 wheeler ride because we hadn't ridden around in a while out to the back of the land. So we were off. 4 jumped in the golf cart, steve and I led on one 4 wheeler and my sister and Jerry on the back one. When we started to get on the first trail Steve told my uncle something about a snake and Doye said you have the gun, you go first... I'm all like haha... We start toward the back and right off the bat we see a coyote. It just stood there and stared at us for a few seconds (but not long enough for me to get out my camera!) then it took off. So we kept going. Then next thing I know Steve says snake and kills the four wheeler. Guess where he killed it? 2 feet from the freaking snake.... at first I didn't see it, I was all like where??? Then he grabbed the gun, and when he did I was standing up on the back of the 4 wheeler...I was considering climbing up the tree but I was scared there was a snake in there, then looked back at the golf cart, and it was about 2 feet too far for me to jump on the top of there I was jumping around on the back of the 4 wheeler, then they say hey, camera woman take a this is what the heck I came up with...can you tell I am shaking slightly??? It is hard to take a picture when you are screaming...then, as they are picking that one up, another one slithers by them...they are like holy crap... and shoot it. It was a moccasin (however you spell it...) it was right beside this point, I am saying lets get the heck out of this snake infested place... Man, I do not know if I am going to make it living in the country!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More down on the farm

Here are a couple of pics for ya today. Ty rolled the the house and garage pad with the tractor this weekend. He thinks he is big stuff when he gets to run the tractor...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Down on the Farm...

ok, so our neighbors down at the land have 3 kids. They are adorable..but that is not the reason for this post...they also have their own little petting zoo starting... they have a ton of different animals. Well what do you get when you a domestic pig with a wild hog? This....

Then it grows up and looks like this....

Looking through the pics that Steve took I couldn't help but laugh at this sequence...he got a before...

and an after the pig starting pooping on Barb! It was funny!

I told ya, down on the farm...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dancing part 2 and mini-vacation....

sorry, it has been a week since the last post. I'm sure that you are not sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for a post like you waited on the season premier of Desperate Housewives, but nonetheless here is another one! We went 4 wheeling this past weekend. It was great. Careflight only came one time while we were there and it wasn't that bad... they actually waved them on just took the guy by ambulance. He turned a corner too sharp, was thrown from his 4 wheeler (or was it a motorcycle??? heck I can't remember) anyway, he wrenched his back. It wasn't life threatening and that was a good thing! Our boys did great. I let Steve go off with them alot because lets face it, they can do more jumps and have more fun without miss worrywart around! So Bear and I hung out in the peace and quiet!
I didn't take a picture 1 while we were there.... the boys are so over the camera.... Not to mention, there was not much sun shining... We loved having the camper, well, until it got stuck when we were leaving and we had to be towed...but we won't go into that... we even got to put out the flamingo lights..yes, they would be the same flamingo lights that I promised to find for Tonya...only I found them after we got the trailer and now I am not giving them up!! Sorry, we will have to find you some different ones girlie...

Now for the dancing...we went back for lesson 2 last night. We did much better that go around... we learned the electric slide which that whole slide is too slow for me...but oh well. We also learned some more swing moves...I like push much more than swing...Steve and I are going to work on that on the side. It burns some calories too.. so that is about all that is going on with us. Yall have a great weekend. We are heading out to the land for the weekend after the football game.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Look out Sissy and Bud here we come....

Steve and I had our first dance lesson last night...
While I would have preferred to start off with Texas Two step (three step) that didn't happen...they were teaching the...oh crap what was that they were teaching... oh, the swing... now to me you have to already know how to shuffle your feet for the swing, or how to count when you step... but anyway, we learned a couple of steps and before we knew it we were in over our heads and doing a turn then another turn...What we found out we were really good at was the Cotton Eyed Joe... we rocked at that one...then they added some spin crap and there we were again...screwed! let us get down the basics first dang it! Oh well, it gave us something to practice with anyway! On the other hand, Amanda and Tyler they rocked...They actually had a good time too... I sure hope Tyler takes after me and not his dad... it looked like it anyway last night.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Here are a couple of the pics from my 2nd baby shoot. Hunter was so cute! She had Camo everything. She wasn't feeling that well and spit up probably about 10 times...but somehow we got a couple of good pics of her. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

more randomness cause I have no pics

I thought I had some pics to load today of Hunter, a newborn I took a couple of weeks ago...but guess what? I don't have them.... so here is some randomness for ya...

Hippie chick is NOT posting everyday like she said she wanted to start doing...I had given up looking at her blog daily then she started posting again, and now I am guilty again of clicking on there daily and there being nothing....

Vacation....we are going on a little mini vacation this weekend and I am excited...Excited that the boys will be with us and we are doing our favorite thing to do and that is 4 wheel and camp...Well, it is mine and Steves anyway and we don't care what the boys are wanting to do...they will enjoy it though! I just have to keep reminding them that lots of kids would kill for their parents to take off work during school holidays and spend time with them doing this....

Show Premiers...I am still watching show premiers...Last season of ER...I hate Greg had to die. Heck I hope they don't kill everyone off like about a tear jerker of a last season!!! Biggest Loser is the ONE show that Steve and I watch together... It isn't that great right now, but man, the prizes are getting better! They gave away an RV last night... Just for guessing calories of food...dang...why can't that be me?

Thats about it that is going on right now...just looking forward to a couple of days off! I can't wait!