Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Target vs Walmart...

To some of you this may be a no brainer.. for me it used to be quite gut wrenching knowing that Walmart is so much cheaper. In this day and age it is all about price..well almost. see why
Trip #1 Walmart
I drive through the parking lot dodging little kids left and right that do not have the sense to get the heck out of the way of a freaking car! hello... make it to the crosswalk where I have to wait for 30 people, walking slow as a grandma or chasing their kids around while leaving their cart right in front of me leaving me at a standstill. Finally, make it past that only to find a spot 30 cars down the row. I make it to the crosswalk on foot only to be almost run over by some trashy white teenager with their rap music blaring so loud that they can't hear me yelling at them. Finally the blast of cold air when I make it through the door. I am now greated by every nationality there is in the world except another white person... we have all the countries covered and I haven't even made it past the check out stands on the way in. Now to find the bread isle. They rearranged this walmart and all walmarts are laid out different, so where the heck is the bread. Finally found the bread. What? No Sara Lee 45 cal bread? The bread that is one freaking WW point for 2 pcs...screw it I won't buy any other bread... So I start making my way out the door only to stop by produce and see a little girl of I don't know what nationality with a plastic produce bag over her head just waiting to suffocate to death. Hello where is your ignorant mommy??? oh there she is hey stupid, don't you know that can kill a kid? WAKE UP! she just looked at me because of course she doesn't speak English. Then suddenly over the loud speaker there is an advertisement in Spanish....OMG get me out fast. So I run, get in my car and drive across the street to Target.
Trip #2 Target
I find a parking spot 2nd from the front. Walk in the front door, past the produce, the bread is the first isle. Walk to the end of the isle pick up my parmesean cheese and head to the checkout. I haven't encountered one foul smelling person yet, no one with 10 earrings, no kids running loose like wild bangees...I make it to the check out there is a caucasion person that checks me out. And bam I am out the door in 2 minutes and back in my car.

I'm a target fan...even if it cost me .30 extra cents!!!


Anonymous said...

Yep it happened to me too. I haven't a clue to why. Maybe its because they have orange circles in the advertisements?? Its always quite in there also have you found that to be true? I still go to Walmart but its early in the morning very early! Try that.Old ladies chasing their grandkids are still home and trashy teenagers are still sleeping!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey no arguments out of me!

ivygirl said...

OMG that is hillarious!! and right on target!