Tuesday, June 9, 2009

George was wonderful!!!

We had a great time at the George concert! We were the first ones there to tailgate at 11 that morning and the last ones to leave at 1:30...It was a blast! They substitued Leanne Womack for Julianne Huff...or however you spell her name... Leanne was great! We got some upgrades from our crappy seats so it was all good! I wasn't very good at taking pictures. AT ALL! I did that morning when we were setting up the tailgate party, but after I started drinking...it was all down hill... I am trying to get my hands on some pictures. I'll post them when I do.


Hippie Hick Chick said...

You make me proud! TAILGATING AND CLOSING DOWN THE PLACE? Your kicking it Arzola style. Don't retire yet we still got Robert Earl Keene at Southern Junction this month...LOL Not exactly a concert concert but you can see him in his wranglers up close I bet. EWWWWW...I think I just made myself sick...he is good Texas music but NOT good Texas cowboy in Wranglers butt! Or at least I don't think so...heck maybe that part is better than the scraggly face! lol

Anonymous said...

You go girl! You party on!! Now that's what I call having a good time.What a way to see a concert. Love to have been there with you. I miss Texas at times like this cause there is no place like Texas at concert times!