Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Brace face....and other news...

Ty got his top braces on this morning....not a happy camper. I wish there was some other way in life to torture him that didn't cost me as much money!!!

Also, Ty got his license on Monday, no time to blog it then... but here are some pics of his first day out on his own....

Monday, July 28, 2008

My baby...

Ok, so not so much a baby any more... Ty turned 16 yesterday! Yes, 16 years ago I was laying in labor and delivery getting induced because the child would not leave the womb.... now he is trying break free 16 years later! He had a couple of friends and his cousin over yesterday for a little swim, a little 4 wheeling (not one of my better parenting decisions I've ever made), and then a little mongolian food at our new fav spot Genghis grill. It was several of the kids first time there and they were very leary at first. They finally got the hang of it 3 bowls later! I hope that he had a great birthday! He loaded up on some cash, a GPS, a jeep, and some bling from Garrett... ;) Love you baby and I hope the next 16 years goes slower than the first 16 did!

Monday, July 21, 2008

We are houseboat bound!!!

Instead of our regular scheduled back to school camping trip at the lake we are changing it up just a lil' bit.... We are renting a houseboat on Lake Degray in Arkansas. I have heard wonderful things about the lake and can't wait to check it out myself! You can bet I will have camera in tow, and a scrapbook will be made! Here are some pics of the boat. After this many weeks of stress, I NEED IT!

No more griping about moving

Cause we are all done...yep, everyone with the exception of my sisters family has moved! It went pretty well too. Not too many arguments... but let me tell you, there were some! The house we are in now is full of boxes everywhere and you can barely walk through the garage. But that is ok, we will get to them room by room and it will be all good. We close in the morning. I hope that the new people will take care of, and love that house as much as we have! So, no more parties on the patio, those days are gone...I'll post pics of the temporary set up that we have going on for the next couple of years, as soon as I move the boxes!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm sad....but happy!

Lots of changes happening around us right now. The house that we have worked so hard on is selling and we will start seeing the fruits of our labor in means of $$... the lake house that I grew up in, it is selling, I guess this is just a new chapter in the rest of our lives... on to new adventures.

Now for the HAPPY! We moved my scrapbook room last night... IT ALL FIT on one wall of our I will go to sleep looking at my scrapbook stuff and wake up looking at it....NOW IF I WOULD ONLY USE IT!
Yall have a good weekend and if you have any boxes...drop em' off our way. We need them!

Monday, July 14, 2008

We're moving on...well moving that is for sure!

Got my dad all packed up and the final things moved out of his house on Saturday. We then moved my mom and Sunday. It was easy, she was all packed up and ready to go! Now we are getting her house ready for us to move into. Just a little painting of a purple bathroom...if you know me, purple is just not in my color scheme. But, if I liked purple, this would have been the best purple I could have chose! Anyway, after adding more racks to the closet, hanging a couple of ceiling fans, painting the two rooms and cleaning the carpets, we are good to move in! I'm ready! I'm ready to start the next phase. The building phase! It is going to be so much fun. Picking out everything from the beginning is going to be so much better than changing what someone else has picked out! So we are just plugging along moving stuff a lil at a time each time until it is all done... We are going to have to slow down just a little bit as I feel like I am coming down a little sick, just like I always do when I go too much and don't have enough down time... I'm going to start on the vitamin C today though to try to fight it off. If not, I'll be blogging next from the bed!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Got a save the date card from my sweet 2nd cousin the other day. Besides a home address I had no way to get in touch with her. I haven't seen her in...well lets just say forever! I googled her and her new fiance and got in touch with her. I can't wait to hook up with her and see how exciting her life is! She has come a long way from the WP and I am so proud of her! Way to go Ang! Love Ya!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We have a contract on the house. Just waiting on an inspection and then we will be changing our address. It will be a rough 2 years but worth it in the end. We are really blessed!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I know, I know

Yall think I fell off the face of the earth...I didn't. Steves parents were in town and I have a little bit of stuff going on! Anywho... I was editing pics from the senior shoot as I have to give them CD's by Thursday and I came across this one...I guess I am starting to get a creative eye??? Most men would look at this and think it is stupid, only us girls can appreciate it... enjoy.